Roza Makagonova
Roza Makagonova
Top Movie Cast
Your Fingers Smell Like Incensetrue Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Charactertrue Mirgorod and Its Inhabitantstrue- Pulkheria Ivanovna I'm Offering My Hand and Hearttrue The Little Mermaidtrue- (voice) Playing Without Trump Cardstrue Whose Are the Cones in the Wood?true- ёж How the Donkey Sought Happinesstrue- Masha (voice) Adult Sontrue- Шульгина Мария Павловна They Have Met on the Waytrue- Тася An Ordinary Mantrue- Annushka Шестнадцатая веснаtrue- Natasha Minayeva Keshka and the Magiciantrue Stubborn Doughtrue- Zhenya (voice) Nargistrue- Nargis (voice)