Dimitris Kanellopoulos
Dimitris Kanellopoulos
Top Movie Crew
Behind the CurtaintrueSound
Γειά σου ΑνέστηtrueWriting
Γειά σου ΑνέστηtrueDirecting
A General's WidowtrueWriting
A General's WidowtrueDirecting
Pack of SheeptrueDirecting
A General's WidowtrueProduction
The Eternal Return of Antonis ParaskevastrueSound
Boy Eating the Bird's FoodtrueSound
Pledging the SuntrueSound
The City and the CitytrueSound
Φευγαλέα ΧαμόγελαtrueWriting
Φευγαλέα ΧαμόγελαtrueDirecting
My Mother Is a SainttrueSound