Nobuko Sendo
Nobuko Sendo
Top Movie Cast
Small, Slow But Steadytrue- Chiharu Sasaki White Snake Enchantmenttrue- Matsuno Samural Detective Onihei:Blood for Bloodtrue All's Quiet on the Recruit Fronttrue Cursed Village in Yudono Mountainstrue Early Spring Storytrue- Asako Maki The Makioka Sisterstrue- Hashidera's Daughter Tomorrowtrue- Akiko Miura Takeshi: Childhood Daystrue- Akiko (Futoshi's older sister) Over the Skytrue- Sachi Miyamasu (voice) Onimasa: A Japanese Godfathertrue- Matsue Kiryûin as a girl Music Boxtrue- Kiyo Kanzaki Goldfish Princesstrue- Nagasaka Summer of the Lion Kingstrue