Michael Okuda
Michael Okuda
Top Movie Cast
Journey's End - The Saga of Star Trek: The Next Generationtrue- Self The New Explorers: The Science of Star Trektrue- Self Star Trek: Beyond the Final Frontiertrue- Self Star Trek: 25th Anniversary Specialtrue- Self 40 Years of Star Trektrue- Self What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Ninetrue- Self Spacelift: Transporting Trek Into the 21st Centurytrue- Himself Deep Space Nine: Ending an Eratrue- Himself Deep Space Nine: A Bold Beginningtrue- Himself Star Trek: Inside the Roddenberry Vaulttrue- Self Top Movie Crew
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered CountrytrueArt
2001: Creating Kubrick’s Space OdysseytrueProduction
Star Trek: The Journey to the Silver ScreentrueProduction