Jean St. James
Jean St. James
Top Movie Cast
Foreign Exchangetrue- Mrs. L. Mini's First Timetrue- Helga Hauptführer Demon Under Glasstrue- Susan Harold Ring of Fire III: Lion Striketrue- Mother The Hybrids Familytrue- Alice He's Out to Get Youtrue- Rita Anderson Alien Presencetrue- Arnett Babylon 5: The River of Soulstrue- Shiela Death Becomes Hertrue- Psychiatric Patient Out of Officetrue- Mrs. Martin Class of 1999 II: The Substitutetrue- Ms. Buchanan Helen Keller vs. Nightwolvestrue- Helen Keller's Mom Art School Confidentialtrue- Mom Poolboy: Drowning Out the Furytrue- Betsy Ross The Good Doctortrue- Nurse Carol Love's Last Resorttrue- Kay Nightmare at Noontrue- Lori Mystery Woman: Sing Me a Murdertrue- Sally Cocktailtrue- Job Interviewer The Christmas Gifttrue- Helen Wishmastertrue- Female Customer Eve of Abductiontrue- Wanda Ray Alexander: A Taste For Justicetrue Crazy on the Outsidetrue- Mrs. Pierce Dropping The Soaptrue- Finola George Bush Goes to Heaventrue- Julie Sparks The American Kingtrue- Park Woman