Janet MacLachlan
Janet MacLachlan
Top Movie Cast
The Thirteenth Floortrue- Ellen Jacqueline Susann's Valley of the Dollstrue- Alva Solazarno The Boy Who Could Flytrue- Mrs. D'Gregario Murphy's Lawtrue- Dr. Lovell The Kid From Nowheretrue- Linda Killian Darker Than Ambertrue- Noreen Halls of Angertrue- Lorraine Nash Criminal Passiontrue- Tracy's Lawyer Sound of Sunshine - Sound of Raintrue Change of Mindtrue- Elizabeth Dickson For Us, the Living: The Story of Medgar Everstrue- Mildred Roll of Thunder, Hear My Crytrue- Mary Logan The Other Victimtrue- Sgt. Debbins Tick... Tick... Tick...true- Mary Price For Keepstrue- Miss Giles In the Heat of the Night: Who Was Geli Bendl?true- Nedda Losey Killer Instincttrue- Nurse Stoddard Soundertrue- Camille Johnson Thursday's Childtrue- Nurse Judy My Last Lovetrue- Dr. Francis Pinocchio's Revengetrue- Judge Allen A Private Affairtrue- Cynthia Tracks of Glorytrue- Mrs. Morris There Goes My Babytrue- Lottie Something to Live for: The Alison Gertz Storytrue- Mrs. Barrett Heart and Soulstrue- Agnes Miller Louis Armstrong - Chicago Styletrue Tightropetrue- Dr. Yarlofsky Toughlovetrue- Bess Dawson Profile Images
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