Ibrahim Emara
Ibrahim Emara
Top Movie Cast
The Intrudertrue- الشيخ علوان Miracle from heaventrue- The sheikh Mister Fishtrue- mohamed el bultai Love in Karnaktrue- Amina's father Min Ajl Hifnat 'awladtrue- لشيخ مبروك ابو نادية وعم حسن Albi Ala Walditrue- Prison Preacher Dalal Al-Masriatrue- Dalal Al-Masrya’s lawyer Saladin the Victorioustrue- القاضي الفاضل The Lady's Gametrue- المحاضر The Public Prosecutortrue- شيخ المسجد Yawm El Hesabtrue- المحامي Laila Al Amriyatrue- Prince Ibn Awf Qattr El-Nadatrue- Lawyer Habib el-Roohtrue- Sheikh Saber Top Movie Crew
Min Ajl Hifnat 'awladtrueDirecting
Sahifat el sawabektrueDirecting
Nahnu BashartrueDirecting
Hob Wa HormantrueDirecting
Struggle with deathtrueDirecting
The Crime and The PunishmenttrueDirecting
What's My FaulttrueWriting
What's My FaulttrueDirecting
Melody of DevotiontrueDirecting
mashghul bghyriuntrueDirecting
Al-Mal W'al-BanuntrueDirecting
Why Am I LivingtrueDirecting
Society's EnemytrueDirecting
Written on the foreheadtrueDirecting
Confused HeartstrueDirecting
Confused HeartstrueWriting
The 7th WifetrueDirecting