Fred Beir
Fred Beir
Top Movie Cast
Love’s Dark Ridetrue- Dave Ramsey A Perfect Coupletrue- The Perfect Couple Man The Organizationtrue- Bob Alford Man From Atlantis: Killer Sporestrue- Captain Bracy Man From Atlantis: The Disappearancestrue- Captain Bracy Three Dollars of Leadtrue- Rudy Wallace Fort Courageoustrue- Sgt. Lucas M.M.M. 83true- Jack Morris Damned Pistols of Dallastrue- Clay Stone The Violatorstrue- Jimmy Coogan In Broad Daylighttrue- Alex Crawford Twin Detectivestrue- Dr. Hudson Trial Runtrue- Charles Andrews Crackle of Deathtrue- Ryder Bond The Munsters - Family Portraittrue- Chip Johnson