Geoffrey Chater
Geoffrey Chater
Top Movie Cast
Sir Norbert Smith, a Lifetrue- Cyril Freebody Bethune: The Making of a Herotrue- Dr. Archibald In the Secret Statetrue- Michael Hatherley Male of the Speciestrue- Toby Pears One of Those Thingstrue- Falck Hotel du Lactrue- Harold Webb The Dog It Was That Diedtrue- Wren Troilus & Cressidatrue- Nestor Gandhitrue- Government Advocate Life Storytrue- Sir Lawrence Bragg The Aerodrometrue- Dr. Faulkner The Strange World of Planet Xtrue- Gerard Wilson Haunted: The Ferrymantrue- Miles Attingham 10 Rillington Placetrue- Christmas Humphreys Northanger Abbeytrue- Mr Allen The Day the Earth Caught Firetrue- Pat Holroyd (uncredited) Barry Lyndontrue- Dr. Broughton Will Amelia Quint Continue Writing 'A Gnome Called Shorthouse'?true- Miles The Best Pair of Legs in the Businesstrue- Rev. Thorn Endless Nighttrue- Coroner O Lucky Man!true- Bishop/Vicar The Networktrue- Philip Hartley The Burston Rebelliontrue- Magistrate The Colour of Bloodtrue- Graham The Next Voice You Seetrue- Sir Peter Hastings Braces Hightrue- Superintendent