Artur Krajewski
Artur Krajewski
Top Movie Cast
The Last Actiontrue- Współwięzień It's Me, the Thieftrue- ochroniarz w supermarkecie 60 Kilos of Nothingtrue- Employee Marcin Freestyletrue- Ojciec Diego Szamankatrue- Michal's brother's lover Persona Non Gratatrue- Irina's husband These Daughters of Minetrue- Psychatrist In Heaven As It Is on Earthtrue- Sławek "Rudy" Anatomy of Eviltrue- Friend of 'Lulek' Prophettrue- Antoni Baraniak Summer Solsticetrue- Partyzant God's Little Gardentrue- Sławek "Rudy" God's Little Villagetrue- Sławek "Rudy" I'm a Killertrue- Kalickis' Neighbor Tower. A Bright Day.true- Priest Deserter's Goldtrue- żołnierz na przepustce Solid Goldtrue- Zbigniew Gilowski Interiortrue- Stuffed man God's Little Republictrue- Driver Sławek The Erlprincetrue- Senior Officer Neighborhooderstrue- Scared Man (segment "To ten z naprzeciwka") Influencetrue- Rudolf Funk