Paul Wexler
Paul Wexler
Top Movie Cast
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronzetrue- Capt. Seas The Four Skulls of Jonathan Draketrue- Zutai The Ten Commandmentstrue- Hebrew at Golden Calf Billy Rose's Jumbotrue- Sharpie The Way Westtrue- Barber (uncredited) Drum Beattrue- William Boddy The Silver Whiptrue- J.M. Horner Visit to a Small Planettrue- Beatnik The Buccaneertrue- Horseface The Kid from Left Fieldtrue- Umpire Feudin' Foolstrue- Luke Smith The Bowery Boys Meet the Monsterstrue- Grissom The Hardy Boys: The Mystery of the Ghost Farmtrue- Fred The Miracle of the Hillstrue- Sam Jones Sylviatrue- Peter Memel (uncredited) The Kettles in the Ozarkstrue- Rev. Martin The Kentuckiantrue- Frome Brother (uncredited) The Busy Bodytrue- Mr. Merriwether Bloodhounds of Broadwaytrue- Theopolis Pace (uncredited) One Hundred and One Dalmatianstrue- Car Mechanic (voice) Profile Images
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