Warren Munson
Warren Munson
Top Movie Cast
Some Kind of Herotrue- Bank President The Ambush Murderstrue- Judge Liebman Mary Jane Harper Cried Last Nighttrue- Mr. West Emergency Roomtrue- Fire Chief Executive Decisiontrue- American Ambassador Mommie Dearesttrue- Lawyer The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Hollywood Folliestrue- Ambassador First Familytrue- Justice Beatrice Barstow The Scarlett O'Hara Wartrue- Bill Menzies The Bermuda Triangletrue- Carpenter Roswelltrue- Yellow Hat Vet Amityville: The Evil Escapestrue- Doctor Raging Angelstrue- Harlin Valentine Magic on Love Islandtrue- Coach Ed and His Dead Mothertrue- Uncle Bill Devil Dog: The Hound of Helltrue- Superintendent Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattantrue- Admiral Robertson Carbon Copytrue- 2nd Guard Bank Robbertrue- Bank Manager A Dangerous Womantrue- Gately Happy Endingstrue- Constantine Lawyer Amelia Earhart: The Final Flighttrue- President Elliot