Kent Monkman
Kent Monkman
Top Movie Cast
Robin's Hoodtrue- Miss Chief Eagle Testickle Confession of Married Mantrue Shooting Geronimotrue- Miss Chief Eagle Testickle Group of Seven Inchestrue- Miss Chief Eagle Testickle Casualties of Modernitytrue- Miss Chief Eagle Testickle Propaganda: The Art of Selling Liestrue Dance to Miss Chieftrue- Miss Chief Top Movie Crew
Dance to Miss ChieftrueDirecting
Shooting GeronimotrueProduction
Shooting GeronimotrueWriting
Shooting GeronimotrueDirecting
Robin's HoodtrueProduction
Robin's HoodtrueDirecting
Casualties of ModernitytrueDirecting
Group of Seven InchestrueDirecting
Sisters and BrotherstrueDirecting