Jeff Kirkendall
Jeff Kirkendall
Top Movie Cast
Feeders 3: The Final Mealtrue- Cinematographer Motorboattrue- Barney Rayl Shadow Tracker: Vampire Huntertrue- Vampire Cocaine Sharktrue- Security guard / Captain Dillon Sister Krampustrue- Roger R.I.P. Van Winkle Part 2true- Knickerbocker R.I.P. Van Winkle Part 3true- Knickerbocker Deadly Playthingstrue- Neighbor The Stalkingtrue- Mr. Kirk Project D: Classifiedtrue Amityville in Spacetrue- Father Benna Terror of the Mastertrue- Jeff Eastman Jurassic Shark 3: Seavengetrue- Klaus Teddiscaretrue- Mr. Mallory London After Midnighttrue- Hardcore 1, Zombie Sean Jurassic Exorcisttrue- Bobby Dugan Once Upon a Time in Amityvilletrue- Regis Kanterbery Amityville Death Housetrue- Zeke Bigfoot vs. Zombiestrue- Dr. Peele Mummy Sharktrue- Mountbatten The Last Chainsaw Massacretrue- Man Air Fryer Slaughtertrue- Jokey Four Nights in Fear Foresttrue Amityville Exorcismtrue- Father Benna It Kills: Camp Blood 7true- Jeb Land Sharktrue- Captain Bermuda Ghost of Camp Bloodtrue- Interviewee - Killers Neighbor The Girl in the Crawlspacetrue- Saxon Alien Surveillancetrue- Lawrence Singleton The Green-Eyed Monstertrue Empire of The Apestrue- Trask Camp Blood First Slaughtertrue- Fletcher Frozen Sasquatchtrue- Dr. Masterson Scarecrow Countytrue- Virgil Bride of the Werewolftrue- Hunter Night Therapytrue- Dr. Meyers Return To Splatter Farmtrue- Jeremy Camp Murdertrue- Terrible Tommy Shark Encounters of the Third Kindtrue- Sloan Natasha Nighty’s Boudoir Of Bloodtrue Children of Camp Bloodtrue- Ghost Invasion of the Empire of the Apestrue- Trask Noah’s Sharktrue- Father Benna Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypsetrue Camp Blood: Clown Sharktrue- Sheriff Johnson One Million Babes BCtrue- Primitive Halloween Horror Talestrue- Bill / Technopath The Girl Who Wore Yellow Lacetrue- Dante Camp Blood Killstrue- Fletcher (archive footage) Harvester of Eyestrue- Inspector Gotchell The Final Possessiontrue- Dr. Leroy James Top Movie Crew
London After MidnighttrueProduction
Terror of the MastertrueDirecting
Terror of the MastertrueWriting
Terror of the MastertrueProduction
Terror of the MastertrueEditing
R.I.P. Van Winkle Part 2trueDirecting
R.I.P. Van Winkle Part 3trueDirecting
The Last Chainsaw MassacretrueProduction
The StalkingtrueDirecting
The StalkingtrueProduction
The TemptresstrueDirecting
The Green-Eyed MonstertrueDirecting
The Green-Eyed MonstertrueWriting
The Green-Eyed MonstertrueProduction
Halloween Horror TalestrueDirecting
Halloween Horror TalestrueWriting
Of Theatre & BikinistrueWriting
Of Theatre & BikinistrueProduction
Of Theatre & BikinistrueDirecting
Camp Blood KillstrueProduction
Night TherapytrueDirecting
Return To Splatter FarmtrueDirecting
Return To Splatter FarmtrueWriting
Natasha Nighty’s Boudoir Of BloodtrueDirecting
Camp Blood: Clown SharktrueWriting
Camp Blood: Clown SharktrueDirecting
Bloody Nun 2: The CursetrueProduction
Harvester of EyestrueProduction
The Final PossessiontrueDirecting
The Final PossessiontrueProduction