Anatoliy Solovyov
Anatoliy Solovyov
Top Movie Cast
Parking - Three Hourstrue When the Earth Tremblestrue- Mitrozhkin Instruct General Nesterov...true Justification Paganinitrue Harmonytrue- Кротов, директор тракторного завода The Wrestler and the Clowntrue- Raoul Boucher The Inquiry is Going Ontrue- Nikezin Flower on the Stonetrue- Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia The Russian Fieldtrue- Tikhon Foma Gordeyevtrue- Kononov Looking for My Fatetrue- Ivan Afanasyevich In the Wilds Where Rivers Runtrue Year as Long as Lifetrue- Karl Schapper Front Without Flankstrue- Zakhar Petrovich The Legend of Tilltrue- carrier Dmitro Goritsvittrue- Dmitro Goritsvit The Train Goes Easttrue- passenger Four Heartstrue- младший лейтенант Найдёнов Russkiy Suvenirtrue- hunter Tears Were Fallingtrue- Fyodor Vanichkin Gloomy Morningtrue- Latugin Life in Bloomtrue- student (uncredited) The Mexicantrue- american World Championtrue- Nikolay Korablyov Human blood - is thicker than watertrue- Timofey Goritsvit Hello, Gnat!true- Gnat Petrovich Marchenko People Don’t Know Everythingtrue Серебряный тренерtrue- Trainer Zimovets Буря над Азиейtrue- Vasiliy Shchukyn Крушение империиtrue- Aleksandr Kastorovich Skorokhodov An Essay on Victory Daytrue The Land of My Childhoodtrue