Lee Heung-Kam
Lee Heung-Kam
Top Movie Cast
All's Well, Ends Well 2009true- Mrs Yu The Bride with White Hair 2true- Yip But Chow All's Well, Ends Welltrue- Mama Shang All's Well End's Well Too 2010true- Empress Dowager Shadow of a Doubttrue- Siu Wai-wei Bruce Lee: The Man and the Legendtrue- Self Bruce Lee, My Brothertrue- Bruce Lee's Grandmother On the Runtrue- Heung Ming's Mum The Family Strikes Backtrue Devil's Lovetrue- Ting Heung-Heung Bloody Glovestrue- Pak Suet-Mui Bitter Feartrue- Second Wife Horror by the Seatrue- Lo Kiu Sweet Surrendertrue- Mary It's a Wonderful Lifetrue- Mama Tam All's Well, Ends Well 2011true- Arnold's Grandmother All's Well, Ends Welltrue- Orphanage Director Moonlight Expresstrue- Tatsuya's Landlady Love Soldier of Fortunetrue- Antonio's Aunt Couples, Couples, Couplestrue The Case of 'Missing Corpse’true- Cheung Man-Lei The Warlordtrue- Cobbler Wang's wife Hong Kong Playboystrue- Sheng's Mother The Birth of the Monkey Kingtrue The Diary of a Husband, Part 2true- Fong Tien-Bing Absent-minded Wifetrue- Ah Bing A Man Betrayal, Part Onetrue A Hearty Responsetrue- Ting-Bon's Mother Dances with Dragontrue- Mrs Lung The Big Brothertrue- Tina Midnight Werewolftrue- Ka Bo-Chun Midnight Evocationtrue- Ngan Ling The Eighteen Darts (Part 2)true The Banquettrue- Relative at Dinner The All-powerful Flute: Part 1true Scarlet Boytrue- Jade Princess The Violet Girltrue- Pregnant Wife Hong Kong 73true- Mrs Tam / Ah Qin The Eighth Happinesstrue- Auntie Chin Bruce Lee, My Brothertrue The Magic Cup (Part 1)true- Aunt Pik-Jun Family Doctrine (Part 1) - An Old Familytrue- Second Grandmother Family Doctrine (Part 2) - A Setting Sun on the Green Hilltrue- Second Grandmother Wong Fei-Hung and the Lantern Festival Disturbancetrue- Kuk Heung Tenants of Talkative Streettrue The Monkey King Stormed the Sea Palacetrue- White Rat Demon Top Movie Crew
You Are WonderfultrueDirecting