Frank Mitchell
Frank Mitchell
Top Movie Cast
Spooks!true- George B. Bopper (uncredited) Music Is Magictrue- Peanuts Harper Advance to the Reartrue- Pvt. Belmont (uncredited) Goof on the Rooftrue- Bill Miracle of the Heart: A Boys Town Storytrue- Officer Stewart Neptune's Daughtertrue- Little Wrangler 365 Nights in Hollywoodtrue- Percy Scaramouchetrue- Harlequin The Harder They Falltrue- Dundee Referee (uncredited) She Learned About Sailorstrue- Peanuts Prairie Gunsmoketrue- Cannonball The Devil's Trailtrue- Cannonball Humoresquetrue- Baby Kantor It's Always Fair Weathertrue- Taxicab Driver (uncredited) Bad Man from Red Buttetrue- Shorty Eyes of the Underworldtrue- (uncredited) Danger On Wheelstrue- Truck Driver The Singing Kidtrue- Dope Waterloo Bridgetrue- Father (uncredited) Vengeance of the Westtrue- Cannonball Boggs Over-Exposedtrue- Steve the Bartender North of the Rockiestrue- Cannonball Rideaux Roaring Frontierstrue- Cannonball The Lone Star Vigilantestrue- Cannonball Q. Boggs Coal Miner's Daughtertrue- Washington Neighbor West of Carson Citytrue- Henchman Breed Rhythm of the Rio Grandetrue- Shorty (Tex's Sidekick) Bullets for Banditstrue- Cannonball Double Alibitrue- Lennie Noland Some Came Runningtrue- Nightclub Waiter (uncredited) Stand Up and Cheer!true- Senator Danforth Ma, He's Making Eyes at Me!true- Frank Captive Wild Womantrue- Handler (uncredited) Where Did You Get That Girl?true- Crook My Six Convictstrue- Convict 3007 Anchors Aweightrue- Sailor (uncredited) Spring Tonictrue- Griffin Nasher Tropic Furytrue- Amando - Peg-legged Peon The Leather Pusherstrue- Grogan's Manager The Boogie Man Will Get Youtrue- Officer Fred Kismettrue- Slave Merchant (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
Blood VoyagetrueDirecting
Captive Wild WomantrueCrew