Edoardo Anton
Edoardo Anton
Top Movie Cast
Frontier Wolftrue- Lorenzo Top Movie Crew
Follie d'estatetrueDirecting
The Sign of VenustrueWriting
Signori si nascetrueWriting
Ridere! Ridere! Ridere!trueDirecting
Romulus and the SabinestrueWriting
I teddy boys della canzonetrueWriting
The Man From CairotrueDirecting
Desert WarriortrueWriting
Una notte dopo l'operatrueWriting
Love on the RivieratrueWriting
Love on the RivieratrueWriting
Peppino, le modelle e... chella llàtrueWriting
Headlights in the FogtrueWriting
Canzoni, bulli e pupetrueWriting
Canzoni, bulli e pupetrueWriting
Husbands in the CitytrueWriting
Husbands in the CitytrueWriting
L'Incantevole nemicatrueWriting
L'Incantevole nemicatrueWriting
Toto, Peppino, and the HussytrueWriting
Totò, Peppino e i fuorileggetrueWriting
The Beautiful Legs of SabrinatrueWriting
The Beautiful Legs of SabrinatrueWriting
Frontier WolftrueDirecting
L'Incantevole nemicatrueWriting
L'Incantevole nemicatrueWriting
Totò, Peppino e i fuorileggetrueWriting
Robin Hood and the PiratestrueWriting
Il cardinale LambertinitrueWriting
Operazione MitratrueWriting
The Surprises of LovetrueWriting
L'amico del giaguarotrueWriting
La serpiente de cascabeltrueWriting
The CounterfeiterstrueWriting
The Adventuress from the Floor AbovetrueWriting
The Hotel of the AbsenttrueWriting
Soldier's GirltrueWriting
Uncle Was a VampiretrueWriting
Notte di tempestatrueWriting
Ridere! Ridere! Ridere!trueWriting
Pia de' TolomeitrueWriting
A Devil Under the PillowtrueWriting
The Sign of VenustrueWriting
Matrimonial AgencytrueWriting
Maskenball bei Scotland YardtrueWriting
Uncle Was a VampiretrueWriting
Peppino, le modelle e... chella llàtrueWriting
Operazione nottetrueWriting
Dangerous WomentrueWriting
The Surprises of LovetrueWriting
La bella di RomatrueWriting
La bella di RomatrueWriting
Gioventù alla sbarratrueWriting
Gioventù alla sbarratrueWriting
Solo per te LuciatrueWriting