Dmitriy Orlovskiy
Dmitriy Orlovskiy
Top Movie Cast
Plead Guiltytrue- Иван Михайлович Назаров Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputintrue- Rasputin's villager Vasiliy Buslaevtrue- Andron Perennial Let's Talk, Brother...true Andrei Rublevtrue- Old Master The Garagetrue- полковник Incognito from St.Petersburgtrue The Lynx Follows the Pathtrue- лесник Михалыч Одна на миллионtrue- слесарь The Path Towards Uninterested Lovetrue- лесник Михалыч A Bus Drivertrue- ветеран войны Start Liquidationtrue- Chernyshev, investigator of the prosecutor's office The Dodgerstrue- Makar Makarovich Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariattrue- Karpov The Judgmenttrue- construction worker (uncredited) An Optimistic Tragedytrue- old sailor If You Are a Mantrue- bus driver The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengerstrue- officer in the billiard room (uncredited) A Leap Yeartrue- Fedorchuk Accused of Murdertrue- Danilov (uncredited) Stepan Razintrue- Cossack (uncredited) The Flighttrue- телеграфист Viytrue- селянин (нет в титрах) Vertical Racestrue- Сергиевский, профессор, коллекционер-знаток Days of the Turbinstrue- почтальон