Wiktor Grotowicz
Wiktor Grotowicz
Top Movie Cast
Ashes and Diamondstrue- Franek Pawlicki Spotkaniatrue- Jane's husband (segment 4) (uncredited) The Eighth Day of the Weektrue- Man in Zieleniak pub (uncredited) Signalstrue- City chief (uncredited) Here Is My Hometrue- Pawel The Catastrophetrue- Rozner Zamach stanutrue- poseł Adolf Warski Album polskitrue- SS Soldier Zobaczymy się w niedzielętrue- Sergeant Walczak (uncredited) Mrs. Hanka's Diarytrue- Colonel Woszczewski Giuseppe in Warsawtrue- Garrison Commander (uncredited) Don Gabrieltrue- Ministry Clerk (uncredited) Polar Beartrue- German Officer (uncredited) The Red and the Goldtrue- Banasik The Lost Bridgetrue- SB Major Not Far from Warsawtrue- Wielicki Bumerangtrue- Militia Captain Podhale w ogniutrue- Wawrzuś's Brother Sara's Housetrue- Chess Player Pills for Aureliatrue- Gestapo Officer arresting Michalak Colonel Wolodyjowskitrue- General Potocki Czekam w Monte Carlotrue- Polish Team Coach