Dave Morris
Dave Morris
Top Movie Cast
Juno and the Paycocktrue- Jerry Devine You're My Everythingtrue- Gaffer (uncredited) Crazy to Acttrue- The Director Musclebound Musictrue- Oscar Spitz - The Drummer A Prodigal Bridegroomtrue- Gertie's Partner Hotsy-Totsytrue- Store Manager Wandering Williestrue- Cop Should Husbands Marry?true- The Chef A Harem Knighttrue- The Prefect Peaches and Plumberstrue- The Chauffeur Crossed Love and Swordstrue- A Social Climber Tango Tanglestrue- Dance Organizer (uncredited) When a Man's a Princetrue- Grand Duke Ludwig The Jolly Jiltertrue- Virgil's Business Secretary The Making Over of Mothertrue- M. Steamem Broke in Chinatrue- Croupier Too Many Highballstrue- Civilian in Station Gertie's Gasoline Glidetrue- The Policeman Hollywood Cavalcadetrue- Stooge Greenwich Villagetrue- Postman Wife, Husband and Friendtrue- Stagehand The Story of Alexander Graham Belltrue- Telegrapher Young Mr. Lincolntrue- Loafer (uncredited) Sitting Prettytrue- John the Mailman (uncredited) Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fencetrue- Farmer The Gay Caballerotrue- Passenger Fallen Angeltrue- Reporter (uncredited) Lillian Russelltrue- Drunk 20,000 Men a Yeartrue- Baseball Fan Tracked by the Policetrue- 'Wyoming' Willie Beware of Bachelorstrue- Detective High Schooltrue- Gangster Fight Nighttrue- Al Purdy Safety in Numberstrue- Postman Too Busy to Worktrue- Baxter Tearing Throughtrue- Chester Ambrose's Little Hatchettrue- The Meat Market Worker Ambrose's Nasty Tempertrue- Ambrose's Boss Hubby’s Quiet Little Gametrue- Dave - Poker Player Profile Images
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