Lyudmila Polyakova
Lyudmila Polyakova
Top Movie Cast
We Will Meet in the Metrotrue Seven Days of Nadezhdatrue Once There Was a Womantrue- странница Парамоновна The Ascenttrue- Авгинья Демчиха Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputintrue- Paraskeva, Rasputin's wife Mother of Hurricanetrue- Агна, мать «Урагана» The Real Taletrue- Baba Yaga Humiliated and Insultedtrue- Anna Ikhmeneva The Trialtrue- Gorodnicheva Before Dinnertrue- Мария Ивановна Comrade Nikanorova Awaits Youtrue- Vera Тринадцать месяцевtrue- Maria Nikolaevna High Security Vacationtrue- Aunt Zina The Confrontationtrue- Mitina Big Trap, or solo for cat under full moontrue Front Without Flankstrue- Claudia Gerasimovna, chairman of the collective farm Metamorphosistrue- новая служанка Farewelltrue- Vera Nosareva Don't Believe that I'm No Longer Heretrue- Galina Party Secretarytrue- Polina Goncharenko