Biagio Pelligra
Biagio Pelligra
Top Movie Cast
An Eyewitness Accounttrue Free Hand for a Tough Coptrue- Calabrese From Corleone to Brooklyntrue- Salvatore Scalia Inmatetrue- Nicola Esposito Who Killed Pasolini?true- Questura officer Il mammasantissimatrue- Don Salvatore Bufalo Improvvisotrue- Zio Luigi The Mafia Triangletrue- Coppola Quattro Delitti: Winchester M2true- Funzionario squadra omicidi Women in Armstrue- Antonio Guidotti The Professortrue- The Father Un'isola d'invernotrue- L'oste I Vicerètrue- Baldassarre Rome, Armed to the Teethtrue- Savelli Laura... a 16 anni mi dicesti sìtrue- Tito Violent Milantrue- Tropea Shoot Loud, Louder... I Don't Understandtrue To Love the Damnedtrue- Commissario Death Laid an Eggtrue- Chemical operator Pleased To See You Againtrue- Maresciallo dei Carabinieri Under the Sign of Scorpiotrue