Mizuho Nishikubo
Mizuho Nishikubo
Top Movie Cast
Ghost in the Shell: Production Reporttrue- Self (as Toshihiko Nishikubo) The Making of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocencetrue- Self Top Movie Crew
Heart Cocktail AgaintrueDirecting
Musashi: The Dream of the Last SamuraitrueDirecting
Digital Devil Story - Megami TenseitrueDirecting
Giovanni's IslandtrueDirecting
Zillion: Burning NighttrueDirecting
Atagoal: Cat's Magical ForesttrueDirecting
Radio City FantasytrueDirecting
Karuizawa SyndrometrueDirecting
Zillion: Burning NighttrueWriting
Purple Eyes in the DarktrueDirecting
Digital Devil Story - Megami TenseitrueWriting
California Crisis: Gun SalvotrueDirecting
California Crisis: Gun SalvotrueWriting
Oruorane the Cat PlayertrueDirecting
Ghost in the ShelltrueVisual Effects
Seikima II - Humane SocietytrueArt
Kill Bill: Vol. 1trueDirecting
NEXT A-ClasstrueDirecting
Ghost in the Shell 2: InnocencetrueDirecting
The Epic of ZektbachtrueDirecting