Lincoln Hoppe
Lincoln Hoppe
Top Movie Cast
The Princess and the Peatrue- King Heath Benji: Off the Leash!true- Radio Announcer The Rebels of PT-218true- Hans Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creedtrue- Erich Neumann Emma Smith: My Storytrue- Liberty Jail Guard Crush the Skulltrue- Sheriff Dennis Christmas with the Campbellstrue- Larry Pixel Perfecttrue- Hapless Teacher Carthagetrue- John Taylor The Singles Wardtrue- DeVerl The Singles 2nd Wardtrue- DeVerl Handcarttrue- Tanner Hunter Saints and Soldierstrue- German Soldier #3 Witnessestrue- Martin Harris Undaunted: Witnesses of the Book of Mormontrue- Martin Harris Homesteadtrue- Doc Hodges Escape from Germanytrue- Officer Walter Holtz Top Movie Crew
Saints and Soldiers: Airborne CreedtrueWriting