Louise Dresser
Louise Dresser
Top Movie Cast
The Scarlet Empresstrue- Empress Elizabeth Petrovna To the Ladiestrue- Mrs. Kincaid Cheap Kissestrue- Jane Dillingham State Fairtrue- Melissa Frake Doctor Bulltrue- Mme Herbert Banning The Three Sisterstrue- Marta The Legend of Rudolph Valentinotrue- Self (archive footage) Maid of Salemtrue- Ellen Clarke The Eagletrue- The Czarina, Catherine II A Ship Comes Intrue- Mrs. Pleznik The Garden of Edentrue- Rosa The Goose Womantrue- Marie de Nardi / Mary Holmes Ruggles of Red Gaptrue- Mrs. Effie Floud The Air Circustrue- Mrs. Blake Cradle Songtrue- Prioress A Girl of the Limberlosttrue- Katherine Comstock This Mad Worldtrue- Pauline Parisot - Paul's Mother Everybody's Actingtrue- Anastasia Potter Not Quite Decenttrue- Mame Jarrow Servants' Entrancetrue- Mrs. Hansen The World Moves Ontrue- Baroness von Gerhardt Lightnin'true- Mrs. Mary Jones Song of the Eagletrue- Emma Hoffman Stepping Sisterstrue- Mrs. Cissie Ramsey Madonna of Avenue Atrue- Georgia Morton Enticementtrue- Mrs. Samuel Murray The Next Cornertrue- Nina Race Prodigal Daughterstrue- Mrs. Forbes Woman-Prooftrue- Wilma Rockwood The County Chairmantrue- Mrs. Rigby Broken Hearts of Hollywoodtrue- Virginia Perry The Third Degreetrue- Alicia Daly Fifth Avenuetrue- Claudine Kemp The Fogtrue- Mrs. Theddon Padlockedtrue- Mrs. Alcott White Flannelstrue- Mrs. Jacob Politz