Yuri Lavrov
Yuri Lavrov
Top Movie Cast
The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchishtrue- буржуинский офицер Children of the Suntrue- Vagin Aleksandr Parkhomenkotrue- anarchist Kiev Residenttrue- Симон Петлюра I Want to Believetrue- Vasiliy Pavlovich Oleksa Dovbushtrue- hetman graf Pototskyy Звёзды на крыльяхtrue- Foreign military intruder A Great Life, Part 2true- Kuzmin Bonivur's Hearttrue- Diterikhs Center of attacktrue- trainer Катя-Катюшаtrue- Katya's uncle The Third Blowtrue- Myustegib Fagil About the Striped Baby Elephanttrue- (voice) Make Noise, Towntrue- Luka Ivanovich The Rockets Should Not Fly Uptrue- Gestapo chief The Defense of Volotchayevsktrue- Lieutenant Grishin Restless Youthtrue- Zenon Pecheritsa It Can Not Be Forgottentrue- Nikolay Nikolaevich Volsky Pravdatrue- Simon Petlyura It Came a Trouble to the Citytrue- Yuriy Sergeyevich Guryev Three Hundred Years Ago...true- polish nobleman Shine, My Startrue- Plavilshchikov Крутые ступениtrue- Prepodavatel Atonement for Others' Sinstrue