Bernard Bouillon
Bernard Bouillon
Top Movie Cast
A Cat in Paristrue- Lucas (voice) Aunt Hilda!true- Julio Attilio (voice) Poppety in the Falltrue- Boniface Molly in Springtimetrue- Boniface Leon in Wintertimetrue- Boniface Bonifacio in Summertimetrue- Boniface Spud and the Vegetable Gardentrue- (Voice) Raining Cats and Frogstrue- Le renard (voice) 1, 2, 3... Leon !true- Boniface (voice) / (voice) 4, 5, 6... Gingerbread Mollytrue- Boniface (voice) And 10, 11, 12... Poppety the Hedgehogtrue- Boniface (voice) 7, 8, 9... Bonifaciotrue- Boniface (voice)