Sophie Desmarais
Sophie Desmarais
Top Movie Cast
Head in the Cloudstrue- Élodie Honey, I'm in Lovetrue- Myriam Canadian, Snipertrue- Julie The Auctiontrue- Frédérique Gagnon Sarah Prefers to Runtrue- Sarah Hunting The Northern Godardtrue- Marie Gurov and Annatrue- Mercedes I am not a great actortrue- Florence What Are We Doing Here?true- Lily When Adam Changestrue- Jumeaux/Alice (voice) The Forbidden Roomtrue- Jane Lanyon A Place to livetrue- Sylvie Heartbeatstrue- Rockabill Don't Read This on a Planetrue- Jovana Fey Polytechniquetrue- Female Student - 3rd Floor Corridor Le Petit Prince – théâtre musicaltrue Days of Happinesstrue- Emma Profile Images
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