Takashi Kobayashi
Takashi Kobayashi
Top Movie Cast
Fuunjitachi ~ Rangaku Kakumei-hentrue Tokyo Parktrue- Minoru Shida The Fearless Otojiro's Companytrue Tales of the Bizarre: 2002 Spring Specialtrue 東京サンシャインボーイズ『returns』true All About Suomitrue- Mamoru Ugajin Shin Godzillatrue- official of Japan Self-Defence forces The Idiotstrue- Hide's dad Murder on the Orient Expresstrue- Etsuo Masuda Furuhata Chugakuseitrue- Otokichi Mukojima Wolf Childrentrue- Mr. Nirasaki (voice) Summer Warstrue- Tasuke Jinnouchi (voice) CHiLDRENtrue- Koyamauchi Koichi