Joëlle Bernard
Joëlle Bernard
Top Movie Cast
Emile's Boattrue- Camille The Gentleman from Epsomtrue- Ginette Chicken Feed for Little Birdstrue- Gladys Miquettetrue- Lili - une comédienne Here Is the Beautytrue- (uncredited) In the Eyes of Memorytrue- (uncredited) Island Fishermentrue- Jenny Beware of Blondestrue- A hostess Les Maîtres-nageurstrue- Dorothy Desperate Decisiontrue- The drunk woman Les Dents longuestrue- Raymonde Josserand Seven Guys and a Galtrue- The cantiniere Angelique and the Kingtrue- La Voisin Rue de l'Estrapadetrue- la voisine de Robert Children of Lovetrue- Dolly Les Rosenberg ne doivent pas mourirtrue Women's Prisontrue- Inmate The Hornet's Nesttrue- Sarah Dossier AST-555true- Lucy Parlez-moi d'amourtrue- la mère Diary of a Chambermaidtrue- (uncredited) Le Long des trottoirstrue- Monique The Lovers of Tomorrowtrue- Yvonne Countdown to Vengeancetrue- Suzy Sergeant X of the Foreign Legiontrue- Girl Stain on the Snowtrue- Girl Do It Again Callaghantrue Three Days to Livetrue- Mauricette Borsalino and Co.true- Madam (uncredited) Lunegardetrue- (uncredited) The Annuitytrue- La prosttituée Girl on the Third Floortrue- La fille au restaurant (uncredited)