Sophie Sel
Sophie Sel
Top Movie Cast
Taxi, Trailer and Bullfighttrue- Nicole The Pirates of the Bois du Bolognetrue- Une domestique des 'Grossac' My Brother from Senegaltrue- Mlle Sophie - la fleuriste Mystery Tourtrue- (uncredited) Le Costaud des Batignollestrue- A customer on the terrace of 'Chez Albert' (uncredited) The Seven Deadly Sinstrue- Chantal's friend (segment "Lust") (uncredited) The Tour of the Grand Dukestrue- Brigitte, la fille de la baronne She's a girl from Paristrue Le Tombeur !!!true- Lucie, Lautier's maid (uncredited) A Friend of the Familytrue- (uncredited) Wolves Hunt at Nighttrue- Une employée de l'hôtel Meeting in Paristrue- La promeneuse Welcometrue- Sophie Rossignol Port of Point-du-Jourtrue- Sophie Sunday Buddiestrue- Mounette Papa, Mama, the Maid and Itrue- Student of Mr. Langlois