Lindsay Leese
Lindsay Leese
Top Movie Cast
Three to Tangotrue- Sandy Mr. Headmistresstrue- Waitress The World's Oldest Living Bridesmaidtrue- Mary Angels and Ornamentstrue- Dora Montrose Alice, Darlingtrue- Store Clerk Tommy Boytrue- Reservationist Great Great Greattrue- Carol Bonds of Lovetrue- Carol Maxwell Magical Christmas Ornamentstrue- Linda Christmas Inheritancetrue National Lampoon's Senior Triptrue- Hotel Registration Clerk - Peggy Ginger Snapstrue- Nurse Ferry New York Minutetrue- Customer at Ma Bang's Kids in the Hall: Brain Candytrue- Scientist Coast to Coasttrue- Jayne Biebel On the 2nd Day of Christmastrue- Woman in Store