Top Movie Cast
Από λαχτάρα σε λαχτάραtrue Ο Τζίτζικας κι ο Μέρμηγκαςtrue- Patroness Jealous like a Cattrue- Mrs. Kokkinou Lazy like a dogtrue- Afroditi Το κορίτσι της αφίσσαςtrue Ο Παπατρέχαςtrue- aunt Kalliopi Ησαΐα χόρευεtrue- Salon client My Wife's Husbandtrue- Soprano The Bald Studenttrue- Odysseas' wife School for Chauffeur Ladiestrue Out Poverty and Good Hearttrue- Kallithea The Treasure of the Beatitudetrue- fortune teller Γραφείο συνοικεσίωνtrue- woman on the date at the park Κοκοβιός και Σπάρος στα Δίχτυα της Αράχνηςtrue- witch Crazy, Nuts and Vengostrue- Katina's cousin Meletis of the Flying Squadtrue- bride A Rich Without Moneytrue- Butterfy Ησαΐα χόρευεtrue- hair salon customer A Hero in His Slipperstrue Ο κούκλοςtrue- Loukia Lolokaberou The Heirs of Karampoumpounastrue- Pinelopi Mystra Tsakitzis: The Patron Saint of the Poortrue- Karagiozena A Leftist Night's Dreamtrue Η προξενήτραtrue- Persefoni Μανωλάκης ο Τέντυ Μπόυςtrue Two Crazy and crafty, clever and cunning persontrue Patris, listeia, oikogeneiatrue Profile Images
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