Catalin Cristutiu
Catalin Cristutiu
Top Movie Crew
The Childhood of IcarustrueEditing
Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the WorldtrueEditing
In The MorningtrueEditing
Closer to the MoontrueEditing
Apocalypse on WheelstrueEditing
The NetworktrueProduction
The Village Called SandstrueProduction
All rivers flow into the sea and the sea is never fulltrueEditing
Semiotic PlastictrueEditing
Medal of HonortrueEditing
Off the Beaten TracktrueEditing
Between RevolutionstrueEditing
Eight Postcards from UtopiatrueEditing
Lipstick on the GlasstrueEditing
Trading GermanstrueEditing
Arsenie. An Amazing AfterlifetrueEditing
Scarred HeartstrueEditing
Mihai and CristinatrueEditing
I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as BarbarianstrueEditing
The PotemkiniststrueEditing
On the Impossibility of an HomagetrueEditing
The Marshal's Two ExecutionstrueEditing
The Dead NationtrueEditing
Seven Months LatertrueEditing
Shadow of a CloudtrueEditing
The Tube with a HattrueEditing
The Happiest Girl in the WorldtrueEditing
Everybody in Our FamilytrueEditing
It Can Pass Through the WalltrueEditing
A Film for FriendstrueProduction
A Film for FriendstrueEditing
California Dreamin'trueEditing
Ivana the TerribletrueEditing
Somewhere in PalilulatrueEditing
6.9 on the Richter ScaletrueEditing
Crulic: The Path to BeyondtrueEditing
Uppercase PrinttrueEditing
Love Is a StorytrueEditing
The Exit of the TrainstrueEditing
In Perfect HealthtrueEditing
Bad Luck Banging or Loony PorntrueEditing
Vampire ZombietrueEditing
Kontinental '25trueEditing