Donald Wolfit
Donald Wolfit
Top Movie Cast
Lawrence of Arabiatrue- General Murray Satellite in the Skytrue- Prof. Merrity Room at the Toptrue- Mr. Brown Beckettrue- Bishop Folliot Blood of the Vampiretrue- Doctor Callistratus The Hands of Orlactrue- Professor Volchett The House of the Seven Hawkstrue- Inspector Van Der Stoor 90° in the Shadetrue- Bažant Dr. Crippentrue- R.D. Muir (as Sir Donald Wolfit) The Man in the Roadtrue- Prof. Cattrell Life at the Toptrue- Abe Brown Hyde Park Cornertrue- George Francis Howard A Prize of Goldtrue- Alfie Stratton The Pickwick Paperstrue- Sergeant Buzfuz Isn't Life Wonderful!true- Willie, the boy's uncle The Traitortrue- Colonel Price I Accuse!true- Gen. Mercier Decline and Fall ...of a Birdwatchertrue- Dr. Augustus Fagan The Ringertrue- Dr. Lomond Drake of Englandtrue- Thomas Doughty Calling the Tunetrue- Dick Finlay Late Extratrue- Inspector Greville The Silent Passengertrue- Henry Camberley The Sandwich Mantrue- Car Salesman The Master Buildertrue- Halvard Solness The Rough and the Smoothtrue- Lord Drewell Checkmatetrue- Jack Barton The Angry Hillstrue- Dr. Stergion Death at Broadcasting Housetrue- Sydney Parsons The Charge of the Light Brigadetrue- 'Macbeth' Profile Images
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