Ahmed Galal
Ahmed Galal
Top Movie Cast
Bent Elbasha El Modertrue- وفيق بك جعفر القبرصلى Rababtrue- Hussein Pasha Taher When a Woman Lovestrue- Ramzi - The International Fraudste Bewitching Eyestrue- Sami Zuleikha loves Ashourtrue- Ashour, Zuleikha's husband Top Movie Crew
The Fifth GroomtrueDirecting
The Fifth GroomtrueWriting
Look for the WomantrueDirecting
When a Woman LovestrueDirecting
Shajarat al-DurrtrueDirecting
Look for the WomantrueWriting
Shajarat al-DurrtrueWriting
When a Woman LovestrueWriting
Bewitching EyestrueDirecting
Bewitching EyestrueWriting
Rebellious girltrueDirecting
Zuleikha loves AshourtrueDirecting
Zuleikha loves AshourtrueWriting
Amirat Al-AhlamtrueWriting
Amirat Al-AhlamtrueDirecting
Return of the absenttrueDirecting
Return of the absenttrueWriting
Bent Elbasha El ModertrueDirecting
Bent Elbasha El ModertrueWriting