Ernest Van Pelt
Ernest Van Pelt
Top Movie Cast
The Championtrue- Spike Dugan Broncho Billy and the Claim Jumperstrue- Claim Jumper Sophie's Home-Comingtrue- Hiram Clutts Slim the Brave and Sophie the Fairtrue- Hiram Clutts When Slippery Slim Went for the Eggstrue- Hiram Clutts Broncho Billy's Greaser Deputytrue- The Man The Battle of Snakevilletrue- The Hotel Owner Slippery Slim Gets Squaretrue When Slippery Slim Bought the Cheesetrue- Hiram Clutts A Jitney Elopementtrue- Edna's Father Broncho Billy's Brothertrue- Broncho Billy's Brother Broncho Billy and the Vigilantetrue- The Hotelkeeper By the Seatrue- Second Cop In the Parktrue- Sausage Seller Slippery Slim Gets Curedtrue- The Doctor Snakeville's Peace-Makertrue Slippery Slim, The Mortgage and Sophietrue- Hiram Clutts Broncho Billy's Missiontrue- The Blackmailer Sophie and the Man of Her Choicetrue- Hiram Clutts Broncho Billy's Decisiontrue- The Girl's Father Slippery Slim and the Impersonatortrue- The Female Impersonator A Horse on Sophietrue- The Deacon The Tell-Tale Handtrue- Peter Fango Broncho Billy's Sentencetrue- Woman's Father in Cabin Top Movie Crew
The ChampiontrueDirecting
A Night in the ShowtrueDirecting