Kemal Yildirim
Kemal Yildirim
Top Movie Cast
Tales from the Great Wartrue- Chalky Abduction 2: Revenge of the Hive Queentrue- Asil Tales of the Deadtrue- Lucio Abductiontrue- The Doctor, Asil Zombie Lovertrue- Dillon Slater Shades of a Killertrue- Jaan Video Shop Tales of Terror II: Lust and Revengetrue- Chalky (segment "The Beast of No-Mans Land") Video Shop Tales of Terrortrue- Middle Aged John (segment "Vergessen") Top Movie Crew
Tales of the DeadtrueDirecting
Tales of the DeadtrueWriting
The Foreboding: FracturedtrueDirecting
Horror-Scopes Volume Two: Chinese ZodiactrueCrew
Shades of a KillertrueWriting
Shades of a KillertrueDirecting
The Haunting of the Lady-JanetrueDirecting
The Haunting of the Lady-JanetrueCrew
The Haunting of the Lady-JanetrueWriting
The Haunting of the Lady-JanetrueWriting
The Haunting of the Lady-JanetrueProduction
The Haunting of the Lady-JanetrueCrew
The Haunting of the Lady-JanetrueEditing
The Haunting of the Lady-JanetrueProduction
Video Shop Tales of Terror II: Lust and RevengetrueCrew
Video Shop Tales of Terror II: Lust and RevengetrueEditing
Horror-Scopes Volume Three: Dark ZodiactrueCrew
Horror-Scopes Volume Three: Dark ZodiactrueEditing