Chien Te-Men
Chien Te-Men
Top Movie Cast
The World of Drunken Mastertrue Thrilling Bloody Swordtrue Mon Mon Mon Monsterstrue- Rong-Feng Li War Game 229true- Kung Fan-chung The Challenge of the Lady Ninjatrue- Iwaga Child of the Cattrue- Chia-Hung's father Upstairs and Downstairstrue Black & White: The Dawn of Assaulttrue- Lao Lee Black & White: The Dawn of Justicetrue- Lao Lee Fantasy Mission Forcetrue- Lily's Partner Ghost Bustintrue- 黑云法师(Black Cloud) The Sexy Lady Drivertrue- Pervert New Pilgrims to the Westtrue Return of the Chinese Boxertrue- Japanischer Kommandeur Shaolin Popey II: Messy Templetrue