Yuriy Rudchenko
Yuriy Rudchenko
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The Prisoner of If Castletrue- jailer Murder in Winter Yaltatrue Marshmallow in Chocolatetrue- head of the regional SSU По ком тюрьма плачет...true- militia sergeant And Memory Will Recall in the Sounds...true- Borodin Be Ready, Your Highnesstrue- doctor Coast Warningtrue- Oleg Petrovich Кому вгору, кому внизtrue- kartochnyy igrok Mirgorod and Its Inhabitantstrue Art of Living in Odessatrue- Motya The Guest from the Futuretrue Every Hunter Wants To Knowtrue Brunette for 30 Centstrue- Efrem Prince Danylo Halytskyitrue Weekday Criminal Investigationtrue- Гонченко At the edge of the swordtrue Расколотое небоtrue- авиатор Zozulya with Diplomatrue- Guide Season of Miraclestrue- Viktor