Hector V. Sarno
Hector V. Sarno
Top Movie Cast
Easy Livingtrue- Armenian Rug Salesman (uncredited) As Man Desirestrue- Toni (as Hector Sarno) Cheated Heartstrue- Achmet The Right to Happinesstrue- Sergius Kerkoff (as Hector Sarno) The Black Sheep of the Familytrue- Simon Hathaway The Rose Of Bloodtrue- Revolutionist (as Hector Sarno) Madame du Barrytrue- Lebel (as Hector Sarno) Arabiatrue- Ali Hasson (as Hector Sarno) Stepping Fasttrue- Martinez (as Hector Sarno) Red Hot Speedtrue- Italian father Do and Daretrue- General Sánchez (as Hector Sarno) Laughing at Deathtrue- Nikolai Petrovich Rio Grandetrue- Felipe Lopez Saratoga Trunktrue- Jambalaya Customer (uncredited) The Hunchback of Notre Dametrue- Knight (uncredited) The Woman in Blacktrue- Carlos - the Gypsy The Chief's Blankettrue- An Indian The Gay Deceptiontrue- Waiter (uncredited) Man Of The Peopletrue- Italian Man (uncredited) Live, Love and Learntrue- Misery - Monkey's Owner (uncredited) Fatal Ladytrue- Brazilian Opera Troupe (uncredited) Woman Wantedtrue- Juror in Backgound of Jury Room (uncredited) Going Hollywoodtrue- Mexican Waiter The Great Dividetrue- Mexican (uncredited) Charter Pilottrue- Bartender in Rico They Won't Believe Metrue Each Dawn I Dietrue- Convict (uncredited) Professor Bewaretrue- Lawyer The Roaring Twentiestrue- Warehouse Boss (uncredited) Balalaikatrue- (uncredited) The Road to Glorytrue- Soldier (uncredited) Drums of Fu Manchutrue- Scarred Native The Man Who Wouldn't Talktrue- Miguel Trouble in Paradisetrue- Prefect of Police (uncredited) Car 99true- French Charley The Crimson Gardeniatrue- Emile Le Duc Why Be Good?true- Host of Stumble Inn (uncredited) Man's Castletrue- Grocer (uncredited) The Mark of Zorrotrue- Moreno (uncredited) Ride on Vaquerotrue- Miguel The Hungarian Nabobtrue- Undetermined Role North West Mounted Policetrue- Felix Two in the Darktrue- Diner Proprietor (uncredited) Flight Into Nowheretrue- Vincente East of the Rivertrue- Pop Fiachhetti (uncredited) Wee Willie Winkietrue- Driver I've Always Loved Youtrue- Man with Basket The Catman of Paristrue- Farmer (uncredited) Flame of Barbary Coasttrue- Spectator at Dice Table A Little Sister of Everybodytrue- Ivan Marask Ashes of Vengeancetrue- Gallon The Song of Lovetrue- Chandra-lal So Ends Our Nighttrue- Man in Refugee Station Line (uncredited) Taxi!true- Mr. Lombardy (uncredited) The Mayor of Helltrue- Hollis (uncredited) The King of Kingstrue- Galilean Carpenter (as Hector Sarno) Arsène Lupintrue- Gendarme (uncredited) The Climberstrue- Miguel (as Hector Sarno) A Bell for Adanotrue- Townsman The Wet Paradetrue- Would-Be Bootlegger (uncredited) Conflicttrue- Buck Fallon (as Hector Sarno) Tiger Sharktrue- Crewman (uncredited) The Oklahoma Cyclonetrue- Don Pablo Carlos (as Hector Sarno) The Rough Diamondtrue- Emeliano Gómez (as Hector Sarno) The Silver Hordetrue- Constantine Men Without Lawtrue- Francisco del Rey (as Hector Sarno) The Big Streettrue- Friendly Neighbor (Uncredited) Riff-Rafftrue- Pedro, Concierge (uncredited) The Egg and Itrue- Burlaga (Uncredited) The Mummy's Cursetrue- Cajun in Cafe (uncredited) Honor Among Mentrue- Nichols Death Takes a Holidaytrue- Pietro (uncredited)