Wa Lun
Wa Lun
Top Movie Cast
The Tiger and the Widowtrue- Chong Hua Hello Sexy Late Homecomerstrue The 36th Chamber of Shaolintrue- Liu Yu-de's Classmate Return to the 36th Chambertrue- Chou Shih Sheng Heroes Twotrue- Ming's Patriot Young Lovers on Flying Wheelstrue- Martial Arts Student with Bike The Oily Maniactrue- Chen Fu Sin Disco Bumpkinstrue- Man at Celina's office Evil Seducerstrue- Fang Meng-Yeh Let's Fall in Lovetrue- Guan Da-Yong The Mad Monk Strikes Againtrue- Lu Dongbin The Woman Who Eats Peopletrue Pursuit of Vengeancetrue- Murong Ming-Zhu Ode to Gallantrytrue- Wen Top Movie Crew
Undercover EagletrueDirecting