Zinaida Naryshkina
Zinaida Naryshkina
Top Movie Cast
Moomintroll and the Comettrue- (voice) The Wizard of Oztrue- (voice) About Bunny Oi and Bunny Aitrue- (voice) The Hares Scared the Little Bunnytrue- (voice) Valuable Parceltrue- (voice) In a Dim Kingdom, in a Gray Statetrue- (voice) Companion of Caviartrue- (voice) Лесные сказкиtrue- (voice) The Monkey and the Turtletrue- (voice) Автомобиль с хвостикомtrue- (voice) Знаменитый утёнок Тимtrue- (voice) Alyonushka and the Soldiertrue- (voice) Здравствуйте, тётя лиса!true- (voice) Morning Musictrue- (voice) Когда растаял снегtrue- (voice) At the Pike's Behesttrue- (voice) Little House on Wheelstrue- (voice) Little Straw Bulltrue- (voice) Медвежонок Римцимциtrue- (voice) Olympic Charactertrue- (voice) Investigation Held by Kolobki. The First Investigationtrue- Old Lady - 1 (voice) A Snow Fairy Taletrue- Paper Soul Winnie-the-Pooh and a Busy Daytrue- Owl (Voice) Strollerstrue- Hanger-on Hag Winter in Prostokvashinotrue- Hvatayka the Jackdaw (voice) Vacations in Prostokvashinotrue- Hvatayka the Jackdaw (voice) Three from Prostokvashinotrue- Hvatayka the Jackdaw (voice) Mother For Baby Mammothtrue- Monkey (voice) / Обезьяна How Are You, Brother Fox?true A gift for the Elephanttrue- Monkey, Turtle (voice) / Обезьянка, Черепаха Lisa Patrikeevnatrue- Курица Father Frost and the Summertrue- ворона / болтливая горожанка Perseustrue- Youngest of Grays (voice) Autumn Shipstrue- The Squirrel / The Crow (voice) Так сойдётtrue- Magpie (voice) The Big Wolf - The Grey Tailtrue- The Wife (voice) I've Bought Myself a Fathertrue- Cashier Masha Is Not Lazy Anymoretrue- Masha (voice) / Маша / бабушка The Return of the Prodigal Parrot (Part 1)true- Crow (voice) Sure Remedytrue- Partridge / Beaver (voice) Moomintroll and the otherstrue- Freken Snork (voice) / фрёкен Снорк, Вифсла, Тофсла Pennytrue- Little fox / Wolverine / Duck (voice) The Little Elephant and a Lettertrue- Magpie (voice) / Сорока Treasuretrue- Dyudyuka (voice) Кто ж такие птички...true- Baby Mouse (voice) Марусина карусельtrue- (voice) The Frog Princesstrue- Василиса Прекрасная / Баба-Яга Khalif the Storktrue- колдунья, рыбки Tari the Birdtrue- Little frog / Mice / Monkey (voice) Cat Kotofeyevitchtrue- The Old Woman (voice) The Roundabouttrue- Visitor I've Bought Myself a Fathertrue- кассирша в универмаге Crazy Daytrue- Head typist Moominvalley: It's All in the Bagtrue- Cuckoo (voice) Moomin Valley: Summer in Moomin Valleytrue- Cuckoo (voice) Недодел и Переделtrue- Narrator (voice) Маленькие недоразуменияtrue Winter Quarters of Animalstrue- The pig (voice) Birthdaytrue- Little Beaver; Mother Beaver Uncle Misha Beartrue- The fox (voice) The Most Importanttrue- Witch (voice) Zhikharkatrue- Fox (voice) Music Shoptrue- Turtle (voice) Secret of the Yellow Bushtrue- Owl the mistress (voice) Fantiktrue- Monkey (voice) The Hedgehog Must Be Prickly?true- Crow (voice) When Do the Storks Arrivetrue Beavers Are on the Trailtrue- Snake (voice) Grandmother's Birthdaytrue- Grandmother (voice, uncredited) Buryonka from Maslenkinotrue- Лиса / Ворона / корова Ночка (нет в титрах)