Martín Slipak
Martín Slipak
Top Movie Cast
Whisky Romeo Zulútrue- Pequeño T (Little T) No Returntrue- Matías Fustiniano I dreamed that Tom was butcheredtrue Habi, The Foreignertrue- Hassan Dos manzanastrue- Charles Darwin Homero Manzi, un poeta en la tormentatrue Resurrectiontrue- Aparicio Toda la nochetrue- Martin The Signaltrue- Toto / Sergio How to Win Enemiestrue- Lucas Abadi Lost Timetrue- Agustín Levi Sleepwalkertrue- Andrés Kluge (upa) una pandemia argentinatrue Visible Islandtrue- Martín The Broken Glass Theorytrue- Claudio Top Movie Crew
I dreamed that Tom was butcheredtrueWriting
I dreamed that Tom was butcheredtrueDirecting
I dreamed that Tom was butcheredtrueProduction
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