Yue Tau-Wan
Yue Tau-Wan
Top Movie Cast
Chasing Girlstrue- Shae Ngai Kan The Victimtrue- Drunken Wedding Guest Knockabouttrue- Gets Beaten Up in Casino Vampire vs. Sorcerer 2true Super Fool!true- Blind Man Hex vs. Witchcrafttrue- House painter Three Stooges Go Undercovertrue Pedicab Drivertrue- Master 5's Father The Vampire Raiderstrue- Mr. Mak The Championstrue- Social Soccer Player The Killertrue- Gangster (uncredited) The Wickedness in Povertytrue- Loanshark in Pink The Young Mastertrue- Cross-Eyed Constable (uncredited) The Cheeky Chaptrue- Au's thug Shaolin Princetrue- Monk Wu Li Project Atrue- Policeman (uncredited) Security Unlimitedtrue- Cross-eyed Robber Dreadnaughttrue- Snake Tongue The Big Brothertrue- Tsuen's bodyguard Kung Fu Master Named Drunk Cattrue Tactical Unit: Comrades in Armstrue The Dead and the Deadlytrue- Visit Uncle Ko The Haunted Madamtrue- Nutty The Pretty Ghostress Storytrue Devil and the Ghostbustertrue- Taoist Hex After Hextrue- Arsonist The Ghost Snatcherstrue- Big B The 82 Tenantstrue- Mr. Zha's Thug From Riches to Ragstrue- Injecting killer Teppanyakitrue- On plane [cameo] Pom Pom Strikes Backtrue- You Foo Profiles of Pleasuretrue- Rickshaw puller My Kung Fu Mastertrue- Thug Odd Coupletrue- Cross-Eyed Messenger (uncredited) Dangerous Encounters of the First Kindtrue- Bus Driver Girl with the Diamond Slippertrue Five Superfighterstrue- Student My Darling Galstrue- Stuntman Profile Images
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