Michael Kloft
Michael Kloft
Top Movie Cast
The Third Reich in the Docktrue- Narrator Top Movie Crew
Leni Riefenstahl - The End of a MythtrueWriting
Führer Cult and MegalomaniatrueDirecting
The Third Reich In ColortrueDirecting
The Tramp and the DictatortrueDirecting
Innenansichten - Deutschland 1937trueDirecting
Die Konferenz – Wie der Holocaust organisiert wurdetrueProduction
Der Nürnberger Prozess - Tribunal des TodestrueDirecting
Die geheimen Bunker der DDR und der SchweiztrueDirecting
Television Under the SwastikatrueDirecting
Death in the Bunker: The True Story of Hitler's DownfalltrueDirecting
Hitler's Lost SubtrueProduction
Dear Uncle Adolf: The Germans and Their FührertrueDirecting
Exploring Hitler's MountaintrueDirecting
The Nuremberg TrialstrueDirecting
The Nuremberg TrialstrueProduction
Heinrich Himmler: Portrait of a Mass MurderertrueWriting
Heinrich Himmler: Portrait of a Mass MurderertrueDirecting
Leni Riefenstahl - The End of a MythtrueDirecting
The Third Reich in the DocktrueWriting
The Third Reich in the DocktrueDirecting
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