Gurban Ismailov
Gurban Ismailov
Top Movie Cast
Olimpiatrue- Ilgar Suleymanov Shanghai, Bakutrue- Gurban The Swing of the Coffin Makertrue- Sabir Pomegranate Orchardtrue- Shamil Welcome, My Angeltrue- Sabir Dance of Good and Eviltrue- Elisa Execution is Postponedtrue- Kamil The Hostagetrue- Armenian Hostage The Fisherman's Daughtertrue- grandfather Sea of Tranquilitytrue- Gurban Goodbye Schmidt!true- Famil dayı Mirastrue- Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev The Island Withintrue- Old Man from the Island Taghiyev: Oiltrue- Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev Son İclastrue- Samad aga Agamalioglu