Grace Hayle
Grace Hayle
Top Movie Cast
The Great Dictatortrue- Madame Napaloni Theodora Goes Wildtrue- Mrs. Cobb (uncredited) Footlight Glamourtrue- Mrs. Cora Dithers Three Loves Has Nancytrue- First Woman Getting Autograph (uncredited) Loving Youtrue- Mrs. Gunderson (uncredited) Dangerous Missiontrue- Mrs. Alvord Hard to Handletrue- Fat Lady with Vanishing Cream (uncredited) Mary Stevens, M.D.true- Wealthy Fat Lady (uncredited) Sing and Like Ittrue- Miss Fishbeck - Little Theatre Stage Director Laughing Boytrue- Tourist from Cleveland Ticket to Paradisetrue- Minnie Dawson Boy Troubletrue- Hefty Mother Meet the Missustrue- Mrs. Norton The Wagons Roll at Nighttrue- Mrs. Grebnick (uncredited) Tovarichtrue- Mrs. Van Hemert The Moon's Our Hometrue- Miss Hambridge Don't Bother to Knocktrue- Mrs. McMurdock (uncredited) The Intrudertrue- Ship Passenger Two-Faced Womantrue- Rhumba Dancer (uncredited) Next Time I Marrytrue- Fat Reporter Music Is Magictrue- Laundry Manageress (uncredited) Dancing Feettrue- Mrs. Worthington Murder in the Blue Roomtrue- Dowager (Uncredited) Back Streettrue- Lady in Street (uncredited) Without Orderstrue- Fat Lady at Airport Pacific Linertrue- Fat Passenger (uncredited) Arrest Bulldog Drummondtrue- Tourist Mr. Moto in Danger Islandtrue- Mrs. Brown The Womentrue- Cyclist (uncredited) Coast Guardtrue- Stout Woman (uncredited) Bombshelltrue- Mrs. Titcomb (uncredited) Charlie McCarthy, Detectivetrue- Fat Woman First Lovetrue- Madame Margarita Catalini Espionage Agenttrue- Mrs. O'Grady Spring Paradetrue- Mrs. Burkhart She Married Her Bosstrue- Agnes Mayo (as Grace Hale) Foxfiretrue- Tourist (uncredited) The Big Momenttrue- Agnes Design for Livingtrue- Woman on Staircase (uncredited) The Shop Around the Cornertrue- Plump Woman (uncredited) All by Myselftrue- Mrs. Stone Mary Burns, Fugitivetrue- Nurse Jennie 'Til We Meet Againtrue- Fussy Woman Passenger (uncredited) Dr. Christian Meets the Womentrue- Tom's Wife Remedy for Richestrue- Investor in Line Third Finger, Left Handtrue- Mrs. Kelland Primrose Pathtrue- Drunk's Wife Leaving Bluebell (uncredited) Girl in 313true- Mrs. Hudson The Ghost Breakerstrue- Screaming Woman (uncredited) Wildcat Bustrue- Fat Woman (uncredited) Road to Singaporetrue- Chaperone on Yacht (uncredited) Marylandtrue- Mrs. Carrington Toppertrue- Outraged Heavy Woman (uncredited) Music for Madametrue- Wedding Guest (Uncredited) Outcast Ladytrue- First Gossiper Yes, My Darling Daughtertrue- Dibble's Customer Straight, Place and Showtrue- Stout Woman New York Towntrue- Mrs. Bixby (uncredited) Front Page Womantrue- Nell Bonnett (uncredited) Good-bye Lovetrue- Lura 'Ducky' Groggs Baby Facetrue- Mrs. Hemingway (uncredited) High Schooltrue- Miss Cummings Bureau of Missing Personstrue- Lady Who Wants Her Cook Back (uncredited) Slightly Dangeroustrue- Banana split customer (uncredited) Diplomaniacstrue- Chubby Woman The Death Kisstrue- Chalmer's Nosy Neighbor Beautiful But Broketrue- Birdie Benson Chainedtrue- Edith's Friend (uncredited) West Point Widowtrue- Dowager True to Lifetrue- Woman (uncredited) Romance in the Raintrue- Mrs. Crandall A Night to Remembertrue- Irate Tenant at Bruhl's Address (uncredited) The Shining Hourtrue- Mrs. Briggs (uncredited) Madame Spytrue- Red Cross Woman Ma, He's Making Eyes at Me!true- Mrs. Smythe (uncredited) Too Young to Kisstrue- Woman Attending Audition (uncredited) Don't Bet on Blondestrue- Matron Looking at Racing Sheet (Uncredited)