Louis Jean Heydt
Louis Jean Heydt
Top Movie Cast
The Big Sleeptrue- Joe Brody Gone with the Windtrue- Hungry Soldier Holding Beau Wilkes Charlie Chan at Treasure Islandtrue- Paul Essex Roadblocktrue- Harry Miller Commandos Strike at Dawntrue- Karl Arnesen The Great Momenttrue- Dr. Horace Wells Abe Lincoln in Illinoistrue- Mentor Graham Betrayal from the Easttrue- Jack Marsden Criminal Lawyertrue- Frank Burnett Paid in Fulltrue- Dr. Carter, Psychiatrist Manila Callingtrue- Harold Watson The Man Who Died Twicetrue- Capt. Andy Hampton Dive Bombertrue- Swede Larson Gung Ho!true- Lt Roland Browning The Hidden Mastertrue- Harry Jones (uncredited) They Were Expendabletrue- 'Ohio' No Man's Womantrue- Det. Lt. Colton Flesh and Furytrue- Whitey Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullettrue- Dr. Kunze Sailor Bewaretrue- Naval Doctor (uncredited) Inside the Mafiatrue- Rod Balcom Sleepers Westtrue- Everett Jason Full Confessiontrue- Defense Attorney (uncredited) I Am the Lawtrue- J.W. Butler Pier 13true- Bill Hamilton Warpathtrue- Herb Woodson They're Always Caughttrue- Eddie Diesel Stranger at My Doortrue- Sheriff John Tatum I Cover Big Towntrue- John Moulton The Badge of Marshal Brennantrue- Col. Donaphin Raton Passtrue- Jim Pozner (as Louis J. Heydt) Dad for a Daytrue- Bill Henry, Mickey's surrogate dad Renotrue- Judge Jimmy Howard Pacific Blackouttrue- Harold Kermin The Flying Irishmantrue- Airport Spectator Al Jennings of Oklahomatrue- John Jennings The Eternal Seatrue- Capt. Walter F. Rodee A Child Is Borntrue- Mr. Kempner The Man Who Talked Too Muchtrue- Barton Spoilers of the Northtrue- Carl Winters They Made Me a Criminaltrue- Randy Smith The Fastest Gun Alivetrue- Townsman (uncredited) The Boy from Oklahomatrue- Paul Evans Before Morningtrue- Neil Kennedy Make Way for Tomorrowtrue- Doctor The Kid from Clevelandtrue- Carl Novak Stronger Than Desiretrue- Court Appointed Attorney (uncredited) A Star Is Borntrue- Ocean Scene Director (uncredited) Test Pilottrue- Greg Benson Let Freedom Ringtrue- Ned Wilkie They Made Her a Spytrue- Gillian First Comes Couragetrue- First Norwegian (uncredited) Each Dawn I Dietrue- Lassiter Mr. Smith Goes to Washingtontrue- Soapbox Speaker (uncredited) Let's Make Musictrue- Mr. Botts Let's Make Musictrue- Mr. Stevens Our Vines Have Tender Grapestrue- Mr. Faraassen Come to the Stabletrue- Al Newman (uncredited) The Old Westtrue- Jeff Bleeker The Glass Keytrue- Man watching dice throw (uncredited) Island in the Skytrue- Fitch Drums in the Deep Southtrue- Col. House Johnny Apollotrue- Prison Guard (uncredited) Power Divetrue- Johnny Coles That Brennan Girltrue- Hefflin (uncredited) The Hoodlum Sainttrue- Mike Flaherty The Great McGintytrue- Tommy Thompson Canal Zonetrue- Ralph Merrill (uncredited) Irenetrue- 'Biffy' Webster (uncredited) Bad Men of Tombstonetrue- John Stover Ten Gentlemen from West Pointtrue- Jared Danforth Raiders of Old Californiatrue- Ward Young California's Golden Beginningtrue Her Primitive Mantrue- Gerald One Dangerous Nighttrue- Arthur Borrowing Troubletrue- Martin The Miracle of Morgan’s Creektrue- Army Officer (uncredited) Mission to Moscowtrue- American Newsman (uncredited) Stage Door Canteentrue- Captain Robinson (uncredited) Joe and Ethel Turp Call on the Presidenttrue- Dr. Standish Zombies on Broadwaytrue- Douglas Walker See Here, Private Hargrovetrue- Officer Administering Oath (uncredited) Wetbackstrue- Coast Guard Comdr. Randall Gentleman Joe Palookatrue- Chairman Thirty Seconds Over Tokyotrue- Lieut. Miller All About Hashtrue- Bob Henry Profile Images
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Size: 789x1184
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Size: 1954x2932